EMDR Video Course: Eight Short Complete Sessions (6 EMDRIA credits)




EMDR Video Course: Eight Short Complete Sessions

Free Online Course (6 EMDRIA credits available for purchase)

This online course consists of eight different sessions, each a unique example of EMDR trauma processing. The six hours of video will be viewed by participants online by visiting emdrvideo.com. Scroll through the site to find and watch each video listed below. All processing sessions are conducted by Philip Manfield, Ph.D. and in select videos there is annotation on screen to explain relevant clinical issues as they arise. Some of the topics covered in these sessions include: identifying easily targetable memories or ‘low hanging fruit,’ using a cognitive interweave, using a somatic bridge, using cadence comments, working with grief in processing, working with anger in processing, general troubleshooting, adult perspective, helping a client find the most disturbing image, helping clients find a positive or negative cognition that feels right to them and how to check for feeder memories.

Video titles and timestamps (in the order they appear on the website):

-Early Loss Resolved (52:47)

-Fear of Police Follow-up (49:41)

-EMDR Processing of a Childhood Molestation: Client’s Identity Disguised (48:24)

-Near Drowning Full (33:11)

-Near Drowning 54 min (54:28)

-Read the Dictionary (39:05)

-Discovered Suicide Attempt (Trauma Processing 38 min) (38:18)

-20 Years Grief (38:12)

**There are other videos on emdrvideo.com which you are welcome to view, but keep in mind you can only receive CE credit by watching the eight titles above.

Learning Objectives:

‘Early Loss Resolved’: Participants will be able to list four qualities that constitute easily targetable memories or ‘low hanging fruit’.
’20 Years Grief’: Participants will be able to describe a grief protocol in which the client imagines talking about his or her pain with the deceased.
‘Discovered Suicide Attempt’: Participants will be able to describe the positive and negative cognitions that applied to the client’s trauma experience.
‘Near Drowning (54:28)’: Participants will be able to explain the distinction between natural grief and blocked grieving. The participant will identify which of the therapist’s interventions in this video constituted a cognitive interweave.
‘Near Drowning Full (33:11)’: Participants will be able to cite two questions in addition to the somatic bridge which helped determine in this session that there was no feeder memory.
‘Read the Dictionary’: Participants will be able to list four qualities an earlier memory must have in order to qualify as a feeder memory.
‘Childhood Molestation’: Participants will be able to explain the importance of ensuring that the client accesses the worst part of a traumatic memory.
‘Fear of Police’: Participants will be able to explain how early oppressive experiences make present oppressive experiences more difficult to bear.

While the videos are available to view for free, EMDRIA credit is available for purchase. Participants who purchase EMDRIA credit will need to complete a post-test in order to receive their certificate of completion.

This course has been approved by EMDRIA for 6 hours of EMDRIA credit.